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The squad
The squad was formed june 6, 2001 at 10:53 am. we only have one member. he is in charge of the army half of the airborn. we wish that more would join so we could fight harder than ever but with any army there needs to be people. so if you want a great squad heres your chance to help me help you. i only want Team Players. no frendly firing bastards. if you choose to diobay the following rules you shall be banished!


The History or Story Behind My Site
Depending on the topic of my site, I could include historical information about my subject. For example, if my site is about my business, I could discuss how my business got started. If my site is about a sports team, music group, movie star, or my family, I could chronologically list or summarize major events important to my topic.

My About page is also a great place to give information about others involved with my site’s topic, such as the leaders of my organization, club, or company; an ancestor; my family; and so forth.

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